Embodied transformation
All the magic and transformation I experience and all the wisdom and truth I access in my peak states, through various technologies I choose to utilize, is meaningful only to the extent I am able to embody and ground them in my being and in my horizontal dealings with other people.
I may meditate and experience myself as boundless awareness unlimited with time and space.
I may do psychedelics, go through a temporary ego-death, and feel connected to all beings.
I may work with sacred sexuality and experience the divinity in matter and have a glimpse of what it means when they say “as above, so below”.
But, if those remain as peak experiences and I don’t embody and translate them into my day to day life; it is unlikely to change much.
If you have spent countless hours on your meditation cushion, are on your 100th transformational retreat, plant medicine journey or therapy session and you still feel stuck as ever, I invite you to inhabit your body as much as you inhabit your mind.
Get curious how much richer your life would be, if your mind wasn’t the only part of your body that was activated.
Imagine how it would feel like, if your heart’s intelligence was just as accessible to you as your mind’s ability to think and analyze. Clarity would take a new dimension.
How much quicker you could make decisions, if you had a relationship with the brain that is your gut. Your belly doesn’t lie.
How much more alive and juiced up all areas of your life would be if your genitals weren’t reserved for sex.
Eros is half of your life force, do you listen to where it is leading you? Or do you choose to stay in relationships, places, jobs, conversations, spiritual practices where your eros has already left or was never there to begin with?