The Coven: Group

Individual sessions & group gatherings informed by your longing, to anchor you in belonging, and align you with your purpose

The Coven is a hybrid transformational container designed to support the embodiment of your heart's wish.

It's where I blend teachings on complex trauma, spirituality, and wisdom traditions with my lived experience and offer it through a combination of one-on-one and group sessions.

Each iteration of The Coven is a unique journey shaped as much by the constellation of the participants as by my holding of the container.

What you receive

You receive support over 3 months in various formats, including:

  • monthly group calls,

  • individual sessions, and

  • WhatsApp group chat.

Each time I hold The Coven, I offer more than the official sessions promised. In the past, bonuses included:

  • Intuitive readings.

  • Group process sessions.

  • Intention-setting & reflection workshops.

  • Real-time shares from my learning & growth edges.

The Coven is NOT an online program with a preset curriculum. It's a live, energetic structure that gets built fresh each time a new group gathers.

No two Covens are the same.

What I end up teaching and transmitting for each group is determined by what is alive in the participants at the time.

This dynamic nature ensures highly personalized group support tailored to your needs and interests.

The Process

  • The Coven starts with an intention-setting process where I meet each member individually to clarify what they most want for themselves as they embark on this journey.

    This session shows us precisely what the main barriers before realising each individual's intention are.

    You get a recording of the session, as it is an incredible resource and a high level map of your inner world for you to refer back to as you progress in your healing & transformation journey beyond The Coven.

  • The group calls happen once a month. This is where I teach the context within which each individual's journey unfolds.

    These group sessions give you a bird's-eye view of the terrain you are on, helping you feel oriented in the healing process.

    The content of these calls is determined by the themes that come up during my one-on-one meetings with the participants. Therefore, it is highly relevant for those in the group.

  • Between one-to-one and group sessions, I continue to tune in regularly to the participants' field and share any insights or intuitive messages I get over a private Whats App group.

    This is also where participants share their experiences and connect with each other.


Would you like to be a part of the next Coven?